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Generic Sensor Library

This module contains class definitions for sensors. The Sensor class provides methods for handling generic sensors connected to specific pins of a device. It also provides easily accessible attributes for useful parameters automatically evaluated during the acquisition.

Every Sensor instance implements the following methods:

  • getRaw: reads a raw value from the sensor and returns it
  • setNormFunc: sets a normalization function
  • getNormalized: reads a raw value from the sensor and returns a normalized one
  • currentSample: returns last read sample
  • previousSample: returns the last but one read sample
  • doEverySample: appends to a list a function to be executed every time a get function is called
  • resetSampleActions: resets Actions list
  • addCheck: appends to a list a couple of a condition to be checked every time a get function is called the action to be executed if the condition is verified
  • resetChek: resets Checks list
  • startSampling: sets a sampling interval
  • stopSampling: clears the sampling interval
  • wait: sleeps
  • setObservationWindow: sets the length of the window used to evaluate a set of useful parameters
  • setSamplingTime: sets the private attribute _samplingTime (use carefully)

Every Sensor instance provides the following parameters evaluated in a window of n acquisitions (both in sampling mode and simple get calls):

  • currentAverage: moving average for last n samples
  • currentDerivative: last sample minus penultimate sample, all divided by sampling time in seconds (only sampling mode)
  • currentTrend: last sample minus first sample of the window, all divided by sampling time in seconds (only sampling mode)
  • minSample: smallest sample of the window
  • maxSample: greatest sample of the window

And the following attributes to control the process of evaluation of the parameters:

  • skipEval: if True skips the whole process of evaluation
  • storeAverage: if False skips average evaluation
  • storeTrend: if False skips trend evaluation
  • storeMinMax: if False skips min and max evaluation

The Sensor class

class Sensor()

This is the base class for generic sensors connected to pins.


Resets sampling parameters.


Sets the length of the window (n) used to evaluate a set of useful parameters. Needed to evaluate those parameters during manual acquisition (calling getRaw/getNormalized functions), in sampling mode (entered by startSampling call) the length is given as a parameter of startSampling method.


self._samplingTime can be found set in:

  • sampling mode: setObservationWindow should not have been called
  • get mode: self._samplingTime has been manually set because samplingTime dependent parameters (like trend and derivatived) are necessary in a non-sampling mode (should be very rare)


Manually sets _samplingTime private attribute.


Use carefully setObservationWindow method.

This attribute is automatically set when startSampling method is called.


Returns last read sample: stored as the last element of the buffer list.

The buffer is a list of _observationWindowN elements if the window evaluation process is not skipped, as a private attribute otherwise.


Returns last but one read sample: stored in the buffer list (see currentSample).


Not available if evaluation process is skipped.


Main acquisition method for raw data.


Main acquisition method for normalized data.


Appends a function to the list of those to be executed when _getValue is called.


_getValue is called both in sampling and manual acquisition mode.


def out(obj):


### 'out' is executed in both cases:

Returns self to allow a compact code:



Resets _everySampleActions list.

addCheck(condition, to_do)

Appends a condition to those to be checked every time _getValue is called and a function to the list of those to be executed when their conditions are verified.

‘condition’ must be a function that takes the current sensor object as a parameter and returns a boolean value:

def averageGreaterThanThreshold(obj):
    if type(obj.currentAverage) != PNONE:
        if obj.currentAverage > 50:
            return True
            return False
        return False

‘to_do’ must be a function that takes the current sensor object as a parameter and performs some actions:

def succeed(obj):
    print("Average is greater than threshold!")

Returns self to allow a compact code (see doEverySample).


Resets _checkFunctions and _checkConditions lists.


Sets a normalization function. A normalization function takes the last raw acquired value and the current sensor object as parameters.


def normalizeData(val,obj):
    return obj.scale*(val/100)

It is recommended to use only static parameters stored in current object like scale factors... note:: In the object passed, obj.currentSample() returns the last but one read value because the buffer list is updated only after the normalization.

Returns self to allow a compact code (see doEverySample).

startSampling(time, observation_window, get_type, time_unit)

Starts reading samples every _samplingTime. Length of _observationWindowN to evaluate window parameters, type of acquisition and time_unit characterize the acquisition itself. If no observation_window is passed the evaluation of window parameters is skipped.

Returns self to allow a compact code (see doEverySample).


Depending on mode:

  • sampling mode: clears timer interval and stops sampling
  • non sampling mode: resets sampling parameters

Returns self to allow a compact code (see doEverySample).


Sleeps for time milliseconds and returns self to allow a compact code:
