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STTS751 Module

This module contains the driver for STMicroelectronics STTS751 temperature sensor.

Its highlight is that it outputs its measurement in a 9-bit to 12-bit (configurable) resolution. (datasheet).

class STTS751(drvsel, address=0x48, clk=400000)

Creates an intance of a new STTS751.


  • drvsel – I2C Bus used ( I2C0 )
  • address – Slave address, default 0x48
  • clk – Clock speed, default 400kHz


from stm.stts751 import stts751

temp_sens = stts751.STTS751( I2C0 )
temp = temp_sens.get_temp()

enable(odr=ODR_AVAILABLE["ODR_125mHz"], resolution=STTS751_RES_12)

Sets the device’s configuration registers.


  • odr : sets the Output Data Rate of the device. Available values are:
Value Output Data Rate Constant Name
0x00 62,5 Mhz ODR_AVAILABLE[“ODR_62mHz5”]
0x01 125 MHz ODR_AVAILABLE[“ODR_125mHz”]
0x02 250 MHz ODR_AVAILABLE[“ODR_250mHz”]
0x03 500 MHz ODR_AVAILABLE[“ODR_500mHz”]
0x04 1 Hz ODR_AVAILABLE[“ODR_1Hz”]
0x05 2 Hz ODR_AVAILABLE[“ODR_2Hz”]
0x06 4 Hz ODR_AVAILABLE[“ODR_4Hz”]
0x07 8 Hz ODR_AVAILABLE[“ODR_8Hz”]
0x08 16 Hz ODR_AVAILABLE[“ODR_16Hz”]
0x09 32 Hz ODR_AVAILABLE[“ODR_32Hz”]
  • resolution : sets the Resolution in bit of the conversion. Available values are:
Value N bit Costant Name in °C/LSB
0x08 9 STTS751_RES_9 0.5 °C/LSB
0x00 10 STTS751_RES_10 0.25 °C/LSB
0x04 11 STTS751_RES_11 0.125 °C/LSB
0x0c 12 STTS751_RES_12 0.0625 °C/LSB

Returns True if configuration is successful, False otherwise.


Disables the sensor.

Returns True if configuration is successful, False otherwise.


Retrieves the sensor flag status.

Returns a dictionary with following key/value pairs:

Key Note
busy If True, Sensor is Busy
t_low If True, Temp under threshold
t_high If True, Temp over threshold
therm If True, High internal Temp


Retrieves product_id, manufacturer_id, revision_id in one call.

Returns product_id, manufacturer_id, revision_id.


Retrieves temperature in one call; if raw flag is enabled, returns raw register values.

Returns temp.


Sets the low temperature threshold. When real temperature goes down the low temperature level, if interrupt is enabled, the sensor send an interrupt signal in its interrupt pin.


Sets the high temperature threshold. When real temperature goes up the high temperature level, if interrupt is enabled, the sensor send an interrupt signal in its interrupt pin.


Enables the interrupt pin. Available values for ‘enable’ flag are ‘True’ or ‘False’.


Sets the Thermal threshold. Whenever the temperature exceeds the value of the therm limit, the Addr/Therm output will be asserted (low) Available ‘level’ values are from -127 to 127 range.


Sets the Thermal hysteresis threshold. Once Therm output has asserted, it will not de-assert until the temperature has fallen below the respective therm limit minus the therm hysteresis value. Available ‘level’ values are from -127 to 127 range.


Enables the timeout for the sensor readings (from 25 to 35 ms). Available values for ‘enable’ flag are ‘True’ or ‘False’.