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HTU21D Module

This module contains the driver for MEAS HTU21D Relative Humidity and Temperature sensor. The HTU21D is capable of direct I2C communication and can be set on 4 different level of resolution in both temperature and humidity measurements (datasheet).

class HTU21D(i2cdrv,addr=0x40,clk=400000)

Creates an intance of a new HTU21D.


  • i2cdrv – I2C Bus used ‘( I2C0, … )’
  • addr – Slave address, default 0x40
  • clk – Clock speed, default 400kHz


from meas.htu21d import htu21d


htu = htu21d.HTU21D(I2C0)
t,h = htu.get_temp_humid()


Initialize the HTU21D setting the resolution of the sensor.

Parameters: res – set the resolution (from 0 to 3) for temperature and humidity measurements according to the table below; default 0.

res value Humid Resolution Temp Resolution Meas. Time Humid Meas. Time Temp
0 12 bits 14 bits 16 ms 50 ms
1 8 bits 12 bits 3 ms 13 ms
2 10 bits 13 bits 5 ms 25 ms
3 11 bits 11 bits 8 ms 7 ms


Retrieves the current temperature data from the sensor as raw value.

Returns raw_temp.


Retrieves the current humidity data from the sensor as raw value.

Returns raw_humid.


Retrieves the current temperature data from the sensor as calibrate value in °C.

Returns temp.


Retrieves the current relative humidity data from the sensor as calibrate value in %RH.

Returns humid.


Retrieves both temperature and humidity in one call.

Returns temp, humid.