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BNO055 Module

This module contains the driver for BOSCH BNO055 9-axis Absolute Orientation Sensor. The BNO055 is a System in Package (SiP), integrating a triaxial 14-bit accelerometer, a triaxial 16-bit gyroscope with a range of ±2000 degrees per second, a triaxial geomagnetic sensor (datasheet).

class BNO055(i2cdrv, addr=0x28, clk=100000)

Creates an intance of a new BNO055.


  • i2cdrv – I2C Bus used ‘( I2C0, … )’
  • addr – Slave address, default 0x28
  • clk– Clock speed, default 100kHz


from bosch.bno055 import bno055


bno = bno055.BNO055(I2C0)
abs_orientation = bno.get_euler()


Initialize the BNO055 setting the mode value.

Arguments: - mode – Mode value selectable from Mode table (refer to page 20 of the BNO055 datasheet), default None


Sets the Mode value of the BNO055.

Arguments: mode – Mode value (refer to page 20 of the BNO055 datasheet)


The BNO055 provides a variety of output signals, which can be chosen by selecting the appropriate operation mode. The table below lists the different modes and the available sensor signals.

Mode Available Library Functions
Value Name get_acc() get_magn() get_gyro() get_euler()
acc ACCONLY Yes No No No
magn MAGONLY No Yes No No
gyro GYROONLY No No Yes No
accmag ACCMAG Yes Yes No No
accgyro ACCGYRO Yes No Yes No
maggyro MAGGYRO No Yes Yes No
amg AMG No Yes Yes No
imu IMU Yes No Yes Yes
comp COMPASS Yes Yes No Yes
m4g M4G Yes Yes Yes Yes
ndof_off NDOF_FMC_OFF No Yes Yes Yes
ndof NDOF Yes Yes Yes Yes


Retrieves the current calibration status of the BNO055 main components:

  • System
  • Accelerometer
  • Gyroscope
  • Magnetometer


Read: 3 indicates fully calibrated; 0 indicates not calibrated.

Returns [sys_cal_sts, acc_cal_sts, gyro_cal_sts, magn_cal_sts].


Retrieves the calibration values of the BMO055 main components (list of 11 elements):

  • Accelerometer Offset for X, Y, Z axes (values in m/s²) - list elements 0,1,2;
  • Magnetometer Offset for X, Y, Z axes (values in uT) - list elements 3,4,5;
  • Gyroscope Offset for X, Y, Z axes (values in Dps) - list elements 6,7,8;
  • Accelerometer Radius - list element 9;
  • Magnetometer Radius - list element 10.


If raw parameter is set to True, returns a list of 22 raw bytes.

Returns [list of calibration values]

set_calibration(data, raw=False)

Sets the calibration values of the BNO055 main components.

Arguments: data – List of values (11 elements) representing the sensors offsets and radius.

Data list must follow this order:

  • Accelerometer Offset for X, Y, Z axes (values in m/s²) - list elements 0,1,2;
  • Magnetometer Offset for X, Y, Z axes (values in uT) - list elements 3,4,5;
  • Gyroscope Offset for X, Y, Z axes (values in Dps) - list elements 6,7,8;
  • Accelerometer Radius - list element 9;
  • Magnetometer Radius - list element 10.


If raw parameter is set to True, following rules are required:

  • data list must have 22 elements;
  • each element must be a byte (value 0 to 255);
  • data list must be a sequence of [lsb1, msb1, lsb2, msb2, …, …];
  • data list order is the same described above (elem0 and elem1 of data list are respectively lsb and msb of accelerometer offset in x axis).


Retrieves the current absolute acceleration as a list of X, Y, Z values in m/s².

Returns [acc_x, acc_y, acc_z].


Retrieves the current gyroscope data reading as a list of X, Y, Z values in degrees per second.

Returns [gyro_x, gyro_y, gyro_z].


Retrieves the current magnetometer reading as a list of X, Y, Z values in micro-Teslas.

Returns [value_magn_x, value_magn_y, value_magn_z].


Retrieves the current orientation as a list of heading, roll, and pitch euler angles in degrees.

Returns [abs_or_h, abs_or_r, abs_or_p].


Retrieves the current linear acceleration (acceleration from movement, not from gravity) as a list of X, Y, Z values in m/s².

Returns [lin_acc_x, lin_acc_y, lin_acc_z].


Retrieves the current gravity acceleration as a list of X, Y, Z values in m/s².

Returns [grav_x, grav_y, grav_z].


Retrieves the current orientation as a list of X, Y, Z, W quaternion values.

Returns [w, x, y, z].


Retrieves the current temperature in Celtius.

Returns temp.