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TSL2561 Module

This module contains the driver for AMS TSL2561 Luminosity sensor integrating both infrared and full-spectrum photodiodes. The TSL2561 is capable of direct I2C communication and is able to conduct specific light ranges from 0.1 - 40k+ Lux easily. Additionally, it contains two integrating analog-to-digital converters (ADC) that convert currents from the two photodiodes, simultaneously (datasheet).

class TSL2561(i2cdrv,addr=0x49,clk=400000)

Creates an instance of a new TSL2561.


  • i2cdrv – I2C Bus used ‘( I2C0, … )’
  • addr – Slave address, default 0x49
  • clk – Clock speed, default 400kHz


from ams.tsl2561 import tsl2561


tsl = tsl2561.TSL2561(I2C0, addr=tsl2561.TSL_I2C_ADDRESS["LOW"])
lux = tsl.get_lux()


This sensor has a dedicated “Address” pin that allows to select 1 of 3 available address as shown in the table below.

ADDR SEL Terminal Level I2C Address Zerynth Define
GND 0x29 addr = tsl2561.TSL_I2C_ADDRESS[“LOW”]
Float 0x39 addr = tsl2561.TSL_I2C_ADDRESS[“NORMAL”]
Vdd 0x49 addr = tsl2561.TSL_I2C_ADDRESS[“HIGH”]


Initialize the TSL2561 setting the gain, timing and kind of package.

Arguments: - gain – set the gain of the sensor (values allowed: 0 for gain=1x and 1 for gain=16x), default 1 - timing – set the integration time value (from 0 to 2 - 0 for 13 ms, 1 for 101 ms, 2 for 402 ms), default 0 - pack – set the kind of package for the correct lux calculation (values allowed: 0 for CS package and 1 for T,FN,CL package), default 1


Retrieves the current raw value read on channel0 (full-spectrum photodiode).

Returns raw_fs.


Retrieves the current raw value read on channel1 (infrared photodiode).

Returns raw_ir.


Retrieves the difference between the current raw value read on channel0 and raw value on channel1 (visible spectrum).

Returns raw_vis = (raw_fs - raw_ir).


Converts the raw sensor values to the standard SI lux equivalent (according to the sensor settings - gain, timing and kind of package).

Returns lux value or 0 if the sensor is saturated and the values are unreliable.