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This module implements a generic BLE interface for the peripheral role. To function correctly it needs a BLE driver to be loaded, so that the module can use the driver to access the underlying hardware.

The link between the BLE module and the BLE driver is established without the programmer intervention by the driver itself.

The BLE module requires the programmer to understand the specifications of the BLE protocol ragarding in particular the Generic Access Profile (GAP) and the Generic Attribute Profile (GATT). Official BLE specifications can be found here. A shorter and easier introduction to BLE can be found here.

A minimal example follows:

import streams
# import a BLE driver: in this example we use NRF52
from nordic.nrf52_ble import nrf52_ble as bledrv
# then import the BLE modue
from wireless import ble


# initialize NRF52 driver

# Set GAP name"Zerynth")

# Create a GATT Service: let's try a Battery Service (uuid is 0x180F)
s = ble.Service(0x180F)

# Create a GATT Characteristic: (uuid for Battery Level is 0x2A19, and it is an 8-bit number)
c = ble.Characteristic(0x2A19,ble.NOTIFY | ble.READ,1,"Battery Level",ble.NUMBER)

# Add the GATT Characteristic to the Service

# Add the Service

# Start the BLE stack

# Begin advertising

while True:
    # Let's update the Characteristic Value

To interact with the example, download a BLE monitor app (for example this one).

Module Functions

gap(name, appearance=0, security=(SECURITY_MODE_1, SECURITY_LEVEL_1), connection=(400, 650, 0, 4000))

Set parameters for the the Generic Access Profile:

  • name is a string representing the full name of the BLE device. Depending on the advertising mode and payload, the advertised name can be shorter.

  • appearance is a 16-bit number encoding the BLE appearance

  • security is a tuple of integers. The first element is the security mode, the second is the security level. More info here . Constants SECURITY_MODE_1 and SECURITY_MODE_2 can be used for mode, SECURITY_LEVEL_1, SECURITY_LEVEL_2, SECURITY_LEVEL_3 and SECURITY_LEVEL_4 for level.

  • connection is a tuple of integers representing connections parameters. The first element specifies the Minimum Connection Interval in milliseconds; the second element specifies the Maximum Connection Interval in milliseconds; the third element specifies the slave latency and it represents the number of times that the peripheral can avoid answering to a central; the fourth element is the maximum time in milliseconds after which a connection is declared lost if no data has been exchanged.

Security features can be not completely supported by the underlying BLE driver. When supported, the security features are selectable as follows:

  • Security Mode 1: this mode enforces security by means of encryption, and contains four levels

    • Level 1 - No Security (No authentication and no encryption)

    • Level 2 - Unauthenticated pairing with encryption

    • Level 3 - Authenticated pairing with encryption

    • Level 4 - Authenticated LE Secure Connections pairing with encryption

  • Security Mode 2: this mode enforces security by means of data signing, and contains two levels

    • Level 1 - Unauthenticated pairing with data signing

    • Level 2 - Authenticated pairing with data signing

security(capabilities=CAP_NONE, bonding=AUTH_NO_BOND, scheme=AUTH_SC, key_size=16, initiator=KEY_ENC|KEY_ID, responder=KEY_ENC|KEY_ID, oob=0, passkey=0)

Set security parameters:

  • capabilities is one of the following constants descrbing the device capabilities (to determine how to perform secure pairing):

    • CAP_DISPLAY_ONLY: a device with only a display capability

    • CAP_DISPLAY_YES_NO: a device with a display and the possibility of confirming or unconfirming the displayed passkey (i.e. two buttons)

    • CAP_KB_ONLY: a device with only the possibility of accepting some input

    • CAP_KB_DISPLAY: a device with input and display capabilities

    • CAP_NONE: a device with no input or output capabilities

  • bonding is either AUTH_NO_BOND for pairing without bonding or AUTH_BOND for bonding

  • scheme is an or’ing of the following constants:

    • AUTH_MITM for man in the middle protection

    • AUTH_SC for secure connections

  • key_size between 7 and 16 represents the size of the security keys in bytes

  • initiator determines what kind of keys are exchanged by the initiator:

    • KEY_ENC for the encryption key

    • KEY_ID for the identity key

    • KEY_CSR for the signing key

  • responder same value set of the initiator

  • oob not supported yet

  • passkey is an integer representing the passkey to be displayed for CAP_DISPLAY_ONLY devices


Returns the list of addresses of the currently bonded devices. Each address is a bytes sequence of length 6


Removes the bonding with the device with address addr.


For devices with CAP_DISPLAY_YES_NO the user must confirm the passkey. If confirmed is not zero, the passkey is confirmed and the secure connection performed. Otherwise the secure connection is aborted.


Adds service to the service list. service must be an instance of the Service() class.

add_callback(evt, callback)

Add callback to the callback list. It will be triggered by event evt.

The callback must be a function accepting one positional parameter that will be set to a value specific for each event. Only one callback can be linked to a specific event. A callback can be linked to GAP events by passing one of the following constants as evt:

  • EVT_CONNECTED, the callback is triggered when a connection is made. Specific value is the remote device address.

  • EVT_DISCONNECTED, the callback is triggered when a connection is lost. Specific value is the remote device address.

  • EVT_SCAN_STARTED, the callback is triggered at the start of a scan.

  • EVT_SCAN_STOPPED, the callback is triggered at the end of a scan.

  • EVT_SCAN_REPORT, the callback is triggered at the end of a scan. Specific value is a tuple containing 5 elements (SCAN_TYPE, ADDR_TYPE, RSSI, PACKET, ADDR).

  • EVT_SHOW_PASSKEY, the callback is triggered when the user need to access the passkey for CAP_DISPLAY_ONLY devices

  • EVT_MATCH_PASSKEY, the callback is triggered when the user need confirm the passkey provided by the central (CAP_DISPLAY_YES_NO devices)

  • EVT_AUTH_FAILED the callback is triggered when the authentication phase fails

  • EVT_ADV_STARTED the callback is triggered when advertising starts

  • EVT_ADV_STOPPED the callback is triggered when advertising stops

Regarding scan report events, the meaning of the scan tuple is:

  • SCAN_TYPE: an integer assuming values:

    • ADV_CONN_UND for connectable undirected advertising

    • ADV_CONN_DIR for connectable directed advertising

    • ADV_SCAN_UND for scannable undirected advertising

    • ADV_UNCN_UND for non connectable undirected advertising

    • ADV_SCAN_RSP scan response

  • ADDR_TYPE: an integer being 0 for public address, 1 for random address, 2 for public resolvable private address and 3 for random resolvable private address

  • RSSI: the rssi of the scanned device

  • PACKET: a bytes object containing the advertising packet

  • ADDR: a bytes object containing the 48bit device address

An example of a callback:

from wireless import ble

def connected(addr):
    print("Connected to",ble.btos(addr))


advertising(interval, timeout=0, payload="", scan_rsp="", mode=ADV_CONN_UND)

Set advertising parameters:

  • interval is the time in milliseconds between advertising packets

  • timeout is the time in milliseconds after which stopping the advertising (if zero, it never times out)

  • payload is a string or bytes containing the payload to add in the manufacturer section of the advertising packet. Ignored if len(payload) is zero.

  • scanrsp is a string or bytes containing the payload to add in a scan response. Ignored if len(scanrsp) is zero.

  • mode is an integer determining the type of advertising: ADV_CONN_UND, ADV_UNCN_UND, ADV_SCAN_UND are supported.


Start advertising according to parameters set by advertising()


Stop advertising immediately

scanning(interval=10, window=10, duplicates=0, filter=SCAN_FILTER_ALL, addr=SCAN_ADDR_PUBLIC, active=0)

Set options for scanning.

  • interval (in milliseconds) is the scanning interval

  • window (in milliseconds) is the duration of a scanning interval

  • duplicates is zero for no duplicate advertisement packets in the report, not zero for duplicates included

  • filter selects which kind of packets to include in the report (not yet implemented)

  • addr selects which kind of device addresses are included in the report (not yet implemented)

  • active selects active scanning if not zero


Start scanning for advertising packets for duration milliseconds. Each scanned packet is retrieved int the EVT_SCAN_REPORT GAP event.


Stop scanning for advertising packets


Initializes and start the BLE stack. Must be called after the configuration of GAP, GATT, advertising, scanning and security


Converts a BLE address from a sequence of bytes to a string. It can also be used with longer sequences like entire packets.

Service class

Service(uuid, base_uuid=None)

This class abstracts a GATT Service. Services are defined by providing a uuid. BLE uuids are 128 bit sequences, but a shorter 16 bit version can be used in case of standard BLE services. The list of standard uuids can be found here. For custom uuids it is possible to specify all 128 bits passing a bytes or bytearray object to base_uuid. base_uuid represents the 128 bit uuid as a sequece of 16 bytes in little endian order. 13th and 14th bytes are ignored and substituted by uuid.

To create a standard service:

from wireless import ble
s = ble.Service(0x180D) # Heart Rate Service id is 0x180D

To create a custom service

from wireless import ble
s = ble.Service(0xA001,bytes([0x01,0x02,0x03,0x04,0x05,0x06,0x07,0x08,0x09,0x0A,0x0B,0x0C,0x00,0x00,0x0F,0x10]))

# the custom Service uuid becomes: 100FA001-0C0B-0A09-0807-060504030201
# 13th and 14th bytes are substituted with 0xA001


Add ch to the list of characteristic contained in the service. ch must be an instance of Characteristic(). ch is modified by setting ch.service to the service uuid.

Characteristic class

Characteristic(uuid, permission, size, descriptor, type=NUMBER)

This class abstracts a GATT Characteristic. Characteristics are defined by providing:

  • uuid: a 16 bit uuid, standard uuids can be found here

  • permission: an integer representing permissions available for the characteristic value. It is defined by ORing the following flags:

    • READ for read permission

    • WRITE for write permission

    • NOTIFY for notify permission

    • INDICATE for indication permission

  • size: the length in bytes of the characteristic value

  • descriptor: a string specifying the characteristic descriptor

  • type: can be one of NUMBER, STRING, BYTES and specifies the type of the characteristic value. In BLE specifications, values are sequences of bytes. Using size and type, the BLE module interprets the sequence of bytes transforming it in a Python object.

To create a characteristic:

from wireless import ble
c = ble.Characteristic(0x2A19,ble.NOTIFY | ble.READ,1,"Battery Level",ble.NUMBER)

# The characteristic has uuid 0x2A19, can be read and notified, is a number of size 1 byte and has a descriptor

Once created, a characteristic must be added to a service to be usable


Update the characteristic value to value. value is converted to bytes sequence according to the characteristic size and type.

If connected, the NOTIFY permission is given and the central has enabled notifications, the updated value is notified to the central.


Return the value of the characteristic converted to a Python object according to size and type.


Characteristics with WRITE permission can be changed by the central. A callback can be used to be notified of such change. fn is called on every WRITE event and accepts two positional arguments; the first one is a status flag, the second one is the updated characteristic value.

For example:

from wireless import ble

def led_toggle(status,value):
    if status & ble.WRITE:
        if value:

c = ble.Characteristic(0x1525,ble.WRITE | ble.READ,1,"LED",ble.NUMBER)


The status argument of the callback is set to a combination of READ, NOTIFY, WRITE events.