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This module implements functions to easily handle the intricacies of the HTTP protocol. The name and the API are inspired by the wonderful Python module Requests. To use requests a net driver must have been properly configured and started.

get(url, params=None, headers=None, connection=None, stream_callback=None, stream_chunk=512)

Implements the GET method of the HTTP protocol. A tcp connection is made to the host:port given in the url using the default net driver.

If params is given as a dictionary, each pair (key, value) is appended to the requested url, properly encoded and sent.

If headers is given as a dictionary, each pair (key, value) is appropriately sent as a HTTP request header. Mandatory headers are transparently handled: “Host:” is always derived by parsing url; other headers are set to defaults if not given: for example “Connection: close” is sent if no value for “Connection” is specified in headers. To request a permanent connection, headers must contain the pair {“Connection”:”Keep-Alive”}.

If connection is given, the initial connection step is skipped and connection is used for communication. This feature allows the reuse of a connection to a HTTP server opened with a “Keep-Alive” header.

get returns a Response() instance.

Exceptions can be raised: HTTPConnectionError when the HTTP server can’t be contacted; IOError when the source of error lies at the socket level (i.e. closed sockets, invalid sockets, etc..)

If the parameter stream_callback is given, the HTTP body data will be retrieved in chunk s of stream_chunk size and passed as arguments to stream_callback one by one. If stream_callback is used, the content of Response() instance is the last chunk.

post(url, data=None, json=None, headers=None, ctx=None)

Implements the POST method of the HTTP protocol. A tcp connection is made to the host:port given in the url using the default net driver.

If headers is given as a dictionary, each pair (key, value) is appropriately sent as a HTTP request header. Mandatory headers are transparently handled: “Host:” is always derived by parsing url; other headers are set to defaults if not given: for example “Connection: close” is sent if no value for “Connection” is specified in headers. To request a permanent connection, headers must contain the pair {“Connection”:”Keep-Alive”}.

If data is provided (always as dictionary), each pair (key, value) will be form-encoded and send in the body of the request with {“content-type”:”application/x-www-form-urlencoded”} appended in the headers. If json is provided (always as dictionary), json data will send in the body of the request with {“content-type”:”application/json”} appended in the headers.

NOTE: if both (data and json) dict are provided, json data are ignored and post request is performed with urlencoded data.

post returns a Response() instance.

Exceptions can be raised: HTTPConnectionError when the HTTP server can’t be contacted; IOError when the source of error lies at the socket level (i.e. closed sockets, invalid sockets, etc..)

put(url, data=None, json=None, headers=None, ctx=None)

Implements the PUT method of the HTTP protocol. A tcp connection is made to the host:port given in the url using the default net driver.

If headers is given as a dictionary, each pair (key, value) is appropriately sent as a HTTP request header. Mandatory headers are transparently handled: “Host:” is always derived by parsing url; other headers are set to defaults if not given: for example “Connection: close” is sent if no value for “Connection” is specified in headers. To request a permanent connection, headers must contain the pair {“Connection”:”Keep-Alive”}.

If data is provided (always as dictionary), each pair (key, value) will be form-encoded and send in the body of the request with {“content-type”:”application/x-www-form-urlencoded”} appended in the headers. If json is provided (always as dictionary), json data will send in the body of the request with {“content-type”:”application/json”} appended in the headers.


if both (data and json) dict are provided, json data are ignored and post request is performed with urlencoded data.

put returns a Response() instance.

Exceptions can be raised: HTTPConnectionError when the HTTP server can’t be contacted; IOError when the source of error lies at the socket level (i.e. closed sockets, invalid sockets, etc..)

patch(url, data=None, headers=None, ctx=None)

Implements the PATCH method of the HTTP protocol. A tcp connection is made to the host:port given in the url using the default net driver.

If headers is given as a dictionary, each pair (key, value) is appropriately sent as a HTTP request header. Mandatory headers are transparently handled: “Host:” is always derived by parsing url; other headers are set to defaults if not given: for example “Connection: close” is sent if no value for “Connection” is specified in headers. To request a permanent connection, headers must contain the pair {“Connection”:”Keep-Alive”}.

If data is provided (always as dictionary), each pair (key, value) will be form-encoded and send in the body of the request with {“content-type”:”application/x-www-form-urlencoded”} appended in the headers. If json is provided (always as dictionary), json data will send in the body of the request with {“content-type”:”application/json”} appended in the headers.


if both (data and json) dict are provided, json data are ignored and post request is performed with urlencoded data.

patch returns a Response() instance.

Exceptions can be raised: HTTPConnectionError when the HTTP server can’t be contacted; IOError when the source of error lies at the socket level (i.e. closed sockets, invalid sockets, etc..)

delete(url, headers=None, ctx=None)

Implements the DELETE method of the HTTP protocol. A tcp connection is made to the host:port given in the url using the default net driver.

If headers is given as a dictionary, each pair (key, value) is appropriately sent as a HTTP request header. Mandatory headers are transparently handled: “Host:” is always derived by parsing url; other headers are set to defaults if not given: for example “Connection: close” is sent if no value for “Connection” is specified in headers. To request a permanent connection, headers must contain the pair {“Connection”:”Keep-Alive”}.

delete returns a Response() instance.

Exceptions can be raised: HTTPConnectionError when the HTTP server can’t be contacted; IOError when the source of error lies at the socket level (i.e. closed sockets, invalid sockets, etc..)

head(url, headers=None, ctx=None)

Implements the HEAD method of the HTTP protocol. A tcp connection is made to the host:port given in the url using the default net driver.

If headers is given as a dictionary, each pair (key, value) is appropriately sent as a HTTP request header. Mandatory headers are transparently handled: “Host:” is always derived by parsing url; other headers are set to defaults if not given: for example “Connection: close” is sent if no value for “Connection” is specified in headers. To request a permanent connection, headers must contain the pair {“Connection”:”Keep-Alive”}.

head returns a Response() instance.

Exceptions can be raised: HTTPConnectionError when the HTTP server can’t be contacted; IOError when the source of error lies at the socket level (i.e. closed sockets, invalid sockets, etc..)

options(url, headers=None, ctx=None)

Implements the OPTIONS method of the HTTP protocol. A tcp connection is made to the host:port given in the url using the default net driver.

If headers is given as a dictionary, each pair (key, value) is appropriately sent as a HTTP request header. Mandatory headers are transparently handled: “Host:” is always derived by parsing url; other headers are set to defaults if not given: for example “Connection: close” is sent if no value for “Connection” is specified in headers. To request a permanent connection, headers must contain the pair {“Connection”:”Keep-Alive”}.

options returns a Response() instance.

Exceptions can be raised: HTTPConnectionError when the HTTP server can’t be contacted; IOError when the source of error lies at the socket level (i.e. closed sockets, invalid sockets, etc..)

upload(url, fd, ctx=None, mime_type="application/octet-stream", method="POST")

Upload a file identified by fd to url. fd must provide methods read and size.

A tcp connection is made to the host:port given in the url using the default net driver.

The type of the file contents and the HTTP method (POST pr PUT) can be customized.

upload returns a Response() instance.

Exceptions can be raised: HTTPConnectionError when the HTTP server can’t be contacted; IOError when the source of error lies at the socket level (i.e. closed sockets, invalid sockets, file, etc..)


This class represent the result of a HTTP request.

It contains the following members:


Contains the HTTP response code


It is the bytearray containing the byte version of the content section of a HTTP response


A dictionary with all the response headers


the connection used to communicate with the server, or None if it has been closed.


Returns a string representing the content section of the HTTP response